Aquila: a spatial omics database and analysis platform Nucleic Acids Research
If you found a dataset is not included in our database, you can either send an email to me or open an issue on the Aquila GitHub repo. I'll be pleased to add them. Currently, we have no plan in allowing user to upload their own research data as part of the database.
Feel free to use following APIs to get data from Aquila server. Things place in {} are variables that need to replace
Get all data ID in the database.
Get records and their related information.
Get one record by specifying a data ID.
Get all ROI information of a data.
Get one ROI information by specifying a ROI ID.
Get all cell information in a ROI.
Get cell expression of a marker in a ROI.
Download the dataset by specifying as data ID.
The source of spatial omics data may comes from patient samples, and usually you need privacy information from patients to do thespatial analysis. The security of remote server is not guaranteed. To ensure the best privacy, none of the data will be sent to the server before running any of the spatial analysis.The data sent to the server only contains location, expression and cell type information.
Allow me to shamelessly promote SpatialTis: a spatial single-cell spatial analysis software written in Python and the underlying algorithms are implemented in Rust. It's easy to use and extremely fast. It allows you to perform analysis on hundreds or thousands of ROI simultaneouslyand visualize it. If you are interested, try it out!
If you are interested in the architecture of Aquila. Here is a schema of the actual structure and technologies used to build Aquila.You can also check the Github repository to view the source code, it's open-sourced.